Category: Marketplace

A Marketer’s Gameboard for Predictive Analytics

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What works best: Shorter or longer ad units?

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Why Did Tim Cook Launch the Apple Watch?

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Learn How Google Patented Crowd Personalization.

What can you do with a room filled with mobile? Read our report on Google’s effort to pull data on preferences up from a crowd.

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Most Online Video Ads are Unseen. Let’s Fix That.

A recent study found that 57% of all online video ads are not ‘viewable.’ Download our whitepaper showing 10 ways marketers can solve this puzzle.

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Learn The 7 Steps of Advertising Measurement

If you are a marketing executive facing the challenge of making advertising work, download our free whitepaper using the form at right to learn seven steps for improving ad campaign performance. We discuss how to prioritize marketing metrics; collect only the data most important in optimizing campaigns; and how to build a “forward-facing dashboard” that allows you to control future results.

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Redesigning Government to Meet Change.

Federal agencies are under more pressure than ever before. Ripples from the 2016 election, past recession, and changing audience needs make it harder than ever to plan for results. Here, we explain a new organizational theory that will help government agency managers structure teams and outside partners — to improve performance in today’s volatile world.

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